Acerca de Michael Bellon
Acerca de Bart Bellon
Traveling Bear
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# 46
Article K9-Cop Magazine, E-Collar: Quo Vadis?
England has banned the use of "electric shock collars" on dogs after a ten-year campaign. The new law will come into force 1 February 2024.
# 45
Apeldoorn Newsletter
At the NePoPo® New Silver School, we (people who normally would never meet) come together from all parts of the world. We come together with eyes burning like cigarettes, full of ignition. Our mission? We will show the world responsible dog ownership with harmony, using the full quadrants, and we will show the world dogs who always perform on cue and with heart and soul.
# 44
The Last Seminar (India, December 2016)
The 13th of Dec, at 0400 am ... Ring ring, wake up call ... Wash. Shave. Coffee. And then packing luggage. (After 24 years of traveling weekly, you become damned efficient at that!) At 6 am , I get picked up by a specialised taxi company to drive me to Schiphol Amsterdam.
# 43
Bart Bellon Seminar in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Ipoh is the capital city of the State of Perak in Malaysia. Seventy percent of Ipoh's population have their origins from China. Ipoh is one of the largest Malaysian cities with a population of over 750,000. Ipoh used to be one of the most important cities in the world due to being the world’s biggest ...
# 42
A Year in Review: What Did We Learn?
The seminar in Mexico was Bart's last seminar for 2013. There were fantastic young dogs in Mexico. The good young dogs are trained too quickly in the competition drills. The dogs don't learn any fun in the exercise that way. Having that quality of dog means that the product can be world class with appropriate ...
# 41
Bart Bellon® in Nafplion, Greece
If you are a child living in Greece and you are learning the history of your country, you have a lot to learn: Prehistoric Greece (Neolithic, Bronze Age, and Early Iron Age); Ancient Greece (Archaic Greece, Classical Greece, Hellonistic Greece, Roman Greece); Byzantine Empire (Economic prosperity, Artistic revival, Fourth Crusade); Ottoman rule; Modern Greek State ...
# 40
Five Weeks in Germany
Top trainers of today are: the guys from old school that introduce the new style by using positive training mixed judiciously with the old school stimulus control; and, the totally new people with their minds open who learn in NePoPo® (which includes a large component of the younger generation). Briefly, the trend we saw in ...
# 39
The Highway to Hell … from Pilsen to Prague to Brno
The highway from Pilsen, to Prague, to Brno... It was dubbed "the highway to hell" by the Czech people due to the dilapidated state of the road. It was a rough road, and when you drive on it, your car gets a certain rhythm, a harsh rhythm. It's a rhythm that can fit with one ...
# 38
Russia … NePoPo® … Go Go Go
Bart was in France on October 5-6. The seminar he gave there took place near Lyon. This seminar was organized largely by people who live in Switzerland (one and a half hours east) where they are strictly regulated by the apostles of morality, and for that reason, there will be no people named ...
# 37
Younger and Younger Trainers are Getting Better and Better
The tendency at seminars is that the participants at the seminar are younger and younger (between 20 and 40). They have a big future with their knowledge. The participants are better and better trainers. Bart saw so many good dogs and handlers at this seminar. He was impressed. Bart's advice to them is: Go see ...
# 36
Cola Light or Coca Cola?
Miguel Salvador did an exceptional job organizing the seminar in Alicante. Bart was well taken care of in Spain at a relaxing hotel. He opted to stay in his hotel on the evening of the 20th after being picked up from the airport so he could go to bed early and be fresh for the ...
# 35
Bart's seminar in Italy was well attended. All participants were from Italy (with the exception of one person from Kosovo!) Bart enjoyed his time in Italy and came home marveling at all the good dogs he saw there. It appears that the organizers of this event did not wish to be identified, and we respect ...
# 34
The Training Revolution Has Come! NePoPo® is now in almost every country around the world
This seminar was organized by our good friends Joe?l Marquet and Denise Guinnard (owners and operators of Passion Chien in Switzerland, There were about 55 people from France, Switzerland, and Belgium at the seminar. There was some concern about the weather on Saturday, but it turned out to be a beautiful day. On Sunday ...
# 33
Another batch of fine new trainers… and, understanding what we need: active dogs
Alex Schmidt and Heidi Schu?tz organized a fantastic event. There was plenty of parking; there were places to walk dogs; there were 3 training fields available, one with agility equipment and one with Schutzhund equipment. There was a club house with three toilets for men and three for women, a kitchen, and a large covered ...
# 32
Well Informed Skilled People Move Ahead Quickly Without the Burdens on the Past
Bart and Michael arrived in Ludwigsburg on Friday evening. Saturday morning looked nice and the seminar was off to a nice start at 9 am sharp with 80 people in attendence. It was a terrific group of people and some very talented dogs and dog trainers. We see that the people in the sport are ...
# 31
The Desire for Basic Food Makes the Drive (Don’t Make Him Picky with Dessert Choices)
The weekend in Bramsche was enjoyable. The facilities were outstanding. Our contact, Dirk Oevermann, met us at the club when we arrived and showed us around and to our hotel where we ate well and slept early to be properly rested for a 9 a.m. start Saturday morning.
# 30
Whiskey on the Rocks … Please
The organizers for the event on the 10th and 11th of August were at the top of their game! The event was run professionally and the site was prepared for all kinds of weather and there was good hot food every day for participants.
# 29
The Pendulum Swings
The organization for the August 3-4, 2013 was superb. Bart and Michael arrived in Bötzow on Friday afternoon, having left Hassleben on Friday morning. There was plenty of parking at the Hundeplatz, and there was plenty of space to run dogs. There was a sound system for Bart to use at the seminar, a well ...
# 28
"Aha" Moments Amongst Mosquitoes
Bart and Michael arrived in Hassleben on Tuesday evening for the 9 am start on Wednesday. Bart had just returned home to Belgium on Monday after a week long workshop in Norway. Bart enjoyed his time in Norway very much and the participants were eager to learn and utilize Bart's NePoPo® training system.
# 27
TNT Seminar in Berlin … Bart Bellon® and NePoPo® are back in town, (So don’t you mess around)
See me ride out of that sunset on your color TV screen. Out for all that I can get. If you know what I mean women to the left of me. And women to the right. Ain't got no gun. Ain't got no knife. Don't you start no fight. Cause I'm TNT. I'm dynamite TNT. And I'll win that fight TNT. I'm a power load TNT. Watch me explode ...
# 26
It’s NePoPo®, not PoPoNe
The Tulsa seminar was one of the most well organized seminars where we have had the pleasure to work. Kudos to the organizers and hosts. Despite the temperatures, we had an excellent “plan B” and good attendence. Participants were largely from Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Missouri. There were sport dog people, police, AKC, agility and dog trainers.
# 25
News Flash #1
After one last seminar in Tulsa, OK, it is time for Bart to leave the United States. It has been a whirlwind tour as we have traveled from Washington, D.C. to California and seen and met many nice people and good dog trainers and enthusiasts. We will stay in touch from Europe and hope to ...
# 24
Bart Bellon in Fairhope, Pennsylvania
The Bart Bellon Seminar and workshop at the International Conservation Center (ICC) was attended by people from Wisconsin, Colorado, Ohio, Maryland, Arizona, Florida, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Canada and New York. The participants were largely IPO competitors, dog trainers, police, and hobbyists. The facilities at the ICC were world class: for example, indoor facilities for working dogs ...
# 23
Electric Guitar and Classical Guitar? Can We Not Learn Both?
In dancing, there are modern dancers (i.e. Ruth St. Denis, Mary Wigman, and Martha Graham) and those who perform the more classical ballet (i.e. Mikhail Baryshnikov, Gelsey Kirkland, and Rudolf Nureyev). In writing, we have New York Times best sellers, and classical literature like George Eliot, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Henry James. In music, we ...
# 22
St. Louis, Missouri
Modern, effective, and humane dog training (where we acknowledge that the dog is smart and needs to find his advantage in doing what he must) makes training more enjoyable. Devika Christie said that the seminar with Bart "totally recharged my passion for training." Scott Rowan wrote, "After seeing the same typical training for years, our ...
# 21
If we prepare our dog for competition, do we prepare him using a Peaking System or Stimulus Control?
The peaking system is when we give help in training (positive or negative reinforcement) and then as we diminish that help, we figure out how long the dog will do the behaviors we desire with no help. Sometimes this is one training. Sometimes this is two trainings. Fewer times, this is three trainings. When the ...
# 20
A Dog Bites, A Cat Scratches, and a Horse Kicks
"My head is still totally numb from all the info from this week. I've got my note pad ready for that moment after driving for a few hours when I know my head will suddenly start throwing up training ideas. Training with Bart and Michael, and just getting to hang out with them and all ...
# 19
Let Your Dog Figure It Out
Close to 70 people attended the Seminar with Bart BellonTM at Burgos Kennels. Bart and Michael arrived on Thursday the 5th in Fredericksburg, VA. Most of the set up was done on Friday due to rain on Thursday. Several seminar participants arrived before the Meet and Greet and helped with preparing for the event ...
# 18
WWBD: What Would Bart Do?
Bart arrived home from Jakarta on the 19th of March, and on the 21st, Michael and Bart were headed to Indiana for a weeklong seminar at the White River Working Dog Club. Randy and Beverly Campbell run the club through facilities at their home in Whitestown. The facility has tracking fields out front, a large ...
# 17
Bart Bellon Seminar, March 16-17, 2013 Hosted by Ocean K9, Jakarta, Indonesia
The seminar in Jakarta was attended by 48 participants from several countries and provinces: Thailand, Malaysia, Singaport, and India; and, Lombok, Borneo or Kalimatan, Palembang (South Sumatra), Makasar (South Sulawesi), Bandung (West Java), Surabaya (East Java), and from Jakarta itself. The seminar venue was the facilities of Ocean K9 which is located near the Jakarta ...
# 16
Zhejiang, China – Bart’s first trip to Asia
Upon arrival on March 7th in China, Bart was lost in the Shanghai airport. He looked for Michael Lee who is his Asian contact. He knew Michael Lee was there when he heard, "Hey, bald head! 16!" uttered in Chinese: Michael Lee knows that those are the only chinese words Bart knows! Of course, everyone ...
# 15
It’s your dog and your program … Be the architect of your own training system
The Bart Bellon seminar and workshop in Tennessee was attended by people who live in Quebec, British Columbia, Florida, Michigan, and states in between, and although the weather at the seminar and workshop was mixed (sun, rain, wind, snow) fortunately, the Zimmerle’s had everything prepared for any occasion. There was a sturdy tent in the ...
# 14
Fuck! Fire Ants On My Track!
The weather in Florida was very nice, and Bart enjoyed the seminar and workshop. Bart said that the organization of the seminar was very good. There were close to 50 participants at the seminar, flying in from all over the United States and Venezuela. Bart was very impressed with the quality of dog training that he did see in Florida. If the tribes would work together, a world podium must be close.
# 13
Sissy is the Sister of Sassa
Bart finished up his RSV2000 seminar on the 2nd of December. He drove home to Belgium from Germany on the 3rd and flew to America on the 4th. Bart arrived in Washington in the early evening. At 7:30 am on the 5th, Michael and Bart were on their way to Paducah . After the Paducah ...
# 12
NePoPo: The Key to Flashy Reflex Response Behavior
Bart arrived 30 November, 2012 at around 18:00 hours in Krombach, Germany at a local club, Ortsgruppe RSV2000 Krombach. The seminar was a RSV2000 seminar, organized by Norbert Reusing and Thomas Classen, members of RSV2000. The seminar was held at the Competence Center Rhein- Main in Krombach (near Aschaffenburg), in the indoor sports hall in Krombach, specifically.
# 11
In Leon, Mexico
After arriving home in Belgium on Monday the 5th at 11 pm in the evening from Istanbul, Turkey, Bart left for the airport on Wednesday the 7th at 6 am for his flight to Mexico. Bart arrived at 11 pm EDT at the Leon Airport. After his more than 20 hours travel, Bart was welcomed ...
# 10
In Istanbul, Turkey
Bart is home Monday, November 5th from Turkey, and on the November 7th, he is flying to Mexico for his next seminar. After that, two more commitments in Germany and then on December 5th, he flies to the United States. He will leave Washington, DC for Kentucky on the 6th. The Paducah, Kentucky seminar/workshop at ...
# 9
Seminar in Krefeld, Germany
Next weekend, Bart will be in Istanbul, Turkey for a seminar. He is going to Mexico the following weekend and then two more seminars in Europe. Bart will be in the States in early December for the seminar in Paducah, KY, the first of a series of seminars in the United States ...
# 8
The Changing Landscape in the Realm of Dogsport
Bart has received more and more demands for private seminars in Europe with up to four dog and handler teams. The amount of money that people are investing in the sport will pay off as professionalism will be the future. Bart is presently in negotiations with entrepreneurs to go into competition again. The Champions' League ...
# 7
Berlin, Germany
This was a very well organized seminar in Berlin where Bart goes at least once a year. Fred Unger and the other organizers have the seminar rhythm down to a science! Bart thanks you for your hospitality. There were about 50 people from Moscow, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Hungaria, Austria, and Germany in attendence. At ...
# 6
In Barcelona, Spain
The Barcelona seminar was a huge success. The hosts were phenomenal and the facilities and the hotel and accommodations were superb. It was quite hot, but the weather was good. Bart gave a seminar for 140 people from many different countries (Spain, Holland, Venezuela, Chile, Portugal, Mexico, to name a few). The seminar was translated ...
# 5
End of Summer 2012
On August 25-26, 2012, Bart gave a seminar in Dortmund, Germany, organized by Marco Meyer. The infrastucture was superb, and although the first day was accompanied by fantastic weather, the second day necessitated a "Plan B"! This was all thought out ahead of time, and due to the good planning, the seminar proceeded without losing ...
# 4
Prostaff Seminar in Hassleben, Germany
About 10 years ago, the Prostaff Team was formed. The Prostaff Team members are Jurgen "Jogi" Zank, Bart Bellon Frank Rottleb, Michael Kaiser, and Jens Wicher. Bart Bellon is the founder of the Prostaff Team, and while all the Prostaffs share some of Bart's philosophy, each Prostaff has his own individual training methods ...
# 3
Seminar At Patrick Tiemeier’s Club in Bunde, Germany
It was another well run seminar in Bunde, but this time the weather took a turn for the worse. It was cold and windy and rainy all day on Saturday. The organizers had every backup plan in order and despite the weather, everyone enjoyed the seminar and learned a lot. There were three large sturdy ...
# 2
Travels and Perspectives
Since leaving America in May, Bart has been busy. He has been training at his club, Vinkenvelden Hoboken, holding private seminars, and traveling every weekend. Since the 22nd of May, Bart has given seminars in Denmark (a big week), Switzerland, Finland, and several in different parts of Germany. Michael did arrive in Amsterdam with Kimo ...
# 1
The Seminar at Burgos Kennels in King George, Virginia USA Was Well Attended
Bart and Michael arrived Wednesday at the Hospitality House in Fredericksburg and, along with kennel owner, Rick Burgos, went to work. "We had a lot of work to do to get ready for a large crowd of about 100 people. We want this to be the standard for a Bart Bellon Seminar. We want to ...
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