Traveling Bear
Connecting knowledge, one step at a time
The NePoPo® Traveling Bear - A Journey of Excellence

From one NePoPo® Gold Graduate to the next, the NePoPo® Traveling Bear embarks on an extraordinary journey across the globe! This Traveling Bear isn't just any traveler - it represents the world of NePoPo® training, carrying the legacy of Michael and Bart Bellon to every corner of the world. With each stop, it meets a Gold Graduate, exchanging knowledge, experiences, and the true spirit of NePoPo®.

The Mission

The Traveling Bear symbolizes excellence, unity, and the power of NePoPo® training. As it moves from hand to hand, it strengthens the global network of top-tier trainers who uphold the highest standards of dog training.

Follow the Traveling Bear!

Watch its journey unfold, meet the Gold Graduates, and be part of the adventure! Stay tuned for updates, photos, and videos from each stop.
NePoPo® Traveling Bear hosts
Kris Morrill
Gold Multiplicator - 065
Revolutionary Canine, LLC
Lake Toxaway, North Carolina, United States
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