Online Silver School
What others have said
It was everything I was expecting to learn and understand. Thank you.
C. F.,
United States
It was a very good course. Not only does it educate you on NePoPo® but other training methods and the effects of each method in an open and honest manner, so you can decide yourself which method is best for the dog in front of you!
Dear Bart and Michael,

I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for the incredible experience in the NePoPo® Silver online school. The wealth of information you shared was absolutely mind-blowing. I had previously attended a NePoPo® seminar in the Netherlands with Sudesh Ramsoebhag and Angel Vella, where Sudesh truly sparked my passion. Your course, however, has fueled my drive to become even better, not only in training my own sport dogs but also in equipping others with this invaluable knowledge.
The accuracy and depth of the online Silver school helped me see training through a fresh lens. I even gained insight into how my first training methods had elements of both NePo and NePoPo®, which has now given me clarity on how to move forward with purpose. Thank you again for this life-changing experience. I look forward to the day I can meet you both in person.

Best regards,
Hasan Haji
Hasan Haji,
This was an amazing class to attend with a lot of valuable information. I will recommend this course to all of the trainers I know so they too can add a fantastic tool to their tool bag.
Schnebelt Saben,
United States
Outstanding course that was formatted, packaged and presented with heart and soul! Bravo. Thank you for putting in all this work and for fighting the good fight.
Orcutt Paul,
United States
I really enjoyed the silver school and the ability to re-watch chapters and make many many notes. I very much look forward to doing the gold school some point soon.
L. L. T.,
United Kingdom
It would be helpful to receive a transcript of the questions answered improperly, at the conclusion of a module (after the exam is passed) with explained videos for each question explaining what was wrong and why) also want extended access after passing exam. Loved silver can't wait for gold.
C. W.,
United States
I loved every second of it. NePoPo® truly stole my heart. Thank you for explaining this wonderful world. I'm grateful for this opportunity.
Curinova Simona,
Czech Republic
Thank you, I'm very excited to join the NePoPo® family.
P. K.,
United Kingdom
Loved it, can't wait for the practical.
United Kingdom
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